1201 C Ave Vinton IA 52349
Our service time:
Sunday 10:30am
Come as you are, we will have people dressed anywhere from business casual to jeans and t-shirt.
Our services last about 1 ½ hrs, which includes contemporary worship, children's ministry, prayer time, and a message.
We are a family focused church. We offer nursery for ages 0 through 4 yrs, and children’s church ages k through 5th grade. However we are comfortable with you keeping your children in our adult service if you choose. (See our who we are for more about children and youth ministries.)
If you have any questions about our church or what it offers please don't hesitate to contact us!
1201 C Avenue, Vinton, Iowa 52349, United States
Copyright © 2020 Harvest 365-All Rights Reserved.